Pedagogical Mediation
What is it?
The Pedagogical Mediation for an inclusive learning and teaching – instructions for use (with formal and informal learning mediators’ Quick Guides). The aim of the IO3 handbook of the international Simpl4All project is to provide a framework and methodology that contributes to inclusive learning. The handbook contains a theoretical background and information from interviews with self-advocates that have been incorporated into the development of short guides.
Who are they for?
The handbook is aimed at a range of ‘learning facilitators’ working in formal, non-formal and informal contexts, as well as family members and carers who will be supported by this handbook and its materials. It is aimed at all people involved in learning: Educators, teachers, families, mediators, coaches, trainers.
How is it organised?
To summarise, the handbook Pedagogical Mediation 4ALL – Instructions for Use is a collection of theoretical principles on the subject of pedagogical mediation with quick reference guides for specific target groups.
In addition to the theoretical part (the handbook), there are four quick guides for use: