In Milan on 11 and 12 May, the conference organised by EDRA and Edizioni LSWR in collaboration with Cuore...
At Simpl4All, we believe that not the means are “special”, but the people themselves!
Read our latest articles below
Language and executive functions
The bi-directional link between the development of language skills and the capacities of memory, attention,...
Special needs? no, just culture for all
Photo by Michał Parzuchowski on Unsplash United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with...
Accessibility within the context of the book industry (2/2)
The link between accessibility and publishing - and digital publishing in particular - might not be very...
Accessibility within the context of the book industry (1/2)
The link between accessibility and publishing - and digital publishing in particular - might not be very...
Digital resources and skills for inclusive learning and living
Key competences for social inclusion Living in the digital age, basic skills for accessing the worldwide web...
Easy and inclusive language images
The first session of the joint transnational training of the European project SIMPL4ALL on simple language...
Inclusive learning
Health and well-being play an important role for socially disadvantaged people and young people with...
What is SLI Specific Language Impairment?
Specific Language Impairment is one of the most common developmental disorders and affects approximately 7%...
Where does the concept of Neurodiversity come from?
Education for all through the recognition of neurological variability Within the SIMPL4ALL project, it...
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